Some terrible things happen. Some, unfortunately, may determine the paths in their lives, what calamities may befall them, and worse. I ran across a quick video on X the other day and it grabbed me. The subject was that of why parents of trans children vehemently defend them. And the answer is simple: The parents are complicit in their children’s sin and the only way for the parents to remain even-keeled is to defend it, thus themselves. Watch this, a few times if necessary:
If you watch and rewatch this video some important things become obvious. First, the indisputable subject matter and the problems surrounding the attempt to “transition” a child to another sex. That’s glaringly in our faces. But deeper are two concepts that should be pondered. The departure from the truth is huge here, and larger yet is the concept that we as parents didn’t lovingly and honestly point out the sin deeply rooted in all of this.
When truth is avoided, or ignored, you’ll have chaos. And don’t get soft-headed and assume your truth is different from another’s. It isn’t. Oprah might say something this dimwitted, but you and I live in the real world and we aren’t afforded such luxuries. There is only one moral objective truth and stems from the Trinity.
The next logical thought you should contemplate is the greater application of not helping stop sin in its tracks. I don’t see the difference between “transitioning” a child and knowing they’re thieves but remaining silent about it. What if your young child bullies and terrorizes others? What if your grown child practices infidelity?What if your teenage child uses drugs? What if your adolescent child won’t do anything but violent gaming as they further retreat into alternate worlds? What if???
We tend to rationalize nearly everything we can, not just for our children, but for ourselves. “Well, I wasn’t a real great parent, so their actions are on me in large part.” I’ve heard that one plenty. Well, I feel for you. Why? Because I’ve had and will continue to have parenting mistakes I’m ashamed about. But, that doesn’t absolve us of our responsibilities as children of God. We’re told to raise a child in the way they should go – this is a core Biblical precept. And when do our children cease being our children? Never.
Yes, there are times we should “butt out” of children’s lives and let them figure it out. But we’re also obligated to give them some parting advice and Biblical advice is most likely to work and work well. We can’t exonerate ourselves from the mess our children have become by doubling down on the belief sin isn’t sin. Or somehow changing our beliefs that sins are somehow ok or the best option given the circumstances. Is there a single place in the Bible, EVER, in which God places anyone in a position where sin is a proper response? Nope.
The video above hits on parents who have embraced sin and now their children are paying the price for it. The only way they can handle what they’ve done is to defend it, because admitting sin was a huge life-altering mistake is too hard for them. I beg you, no matter where you are in your journey, halt the sin. It is better, no matter what, to stop the sin than continue it. Come clean with your kids and admit your mistake. Then pledge to seek a Biblical view and path, especially when it is hard. Join them in departing from sin.
It should be noted at this point in the blog, that I copied and pasted everything above into Google’s Gemini AI hoping it might soften the sharp edges of my writing. I wish I were a better author, but only time and practice will aid that. So, like anyone, I use the tools available to me. Guess what Gemini had to say about my request to rewrite the text above into 3 other versions for consideration?

Gemini is suffering from the same nonsense the subject parents in the video do. Now ask yourself who programmed Gemini and what worldview they inhabit. Scary stuff… Sin is fine when things are approached from a neutral perspective, right? Wow…
Get the sin out of your lives as best you can. I pray you become Salt & Light, my sisters, and brothers.

Yep, AI is direct from satan, the surface has not been scratched as to the evil of AI.
I’ll have to think through that comment I suppose. I’m not sure I agree with you on the surface. The devil didn’t invent AI. Humans did. But, like any other thing we do under the guise of convenience and/or enhancement, it becomes a trade. We don’t observe it that way, but inevitably it is. So, we must ask ourselves in this trade what we gave up. …And as near as I can ascertain, we gave up more than we received. We keep making worse and worse trades, which is why “technology” keeps getting a bad rap. It truly isn’t the tech. At least I don’t think so. Rather, us as humans are the culprit. Technology is simply a force multiplier. IE, a metaphor for the inherent nature of man. Considering man isn’t inherently good, the natural direction of technology, ultimately, should be self-evident.
AI and technology aren’t sentient. They’re just things… No more, no less. We’re the designers and inspiration behind them, so there can be no wonder why they have obvious outcomes we don’t like when our shortcomings are not only allowed to propagate, but flourish. Each time we outsource our work and labor to tech, we trade possible good outcomes for other outcomes. I simply don’t like many of them.
(Added: I don’t mean to imply the devil isn’t at work, he is. But we can choose to ignore him and we aren’t. I can’t blame the devil for my sins. He may well be encouragement and a catalyst, but only when I allow it.)